Just for a reminder, would you please list some of the key manners to be displayed at school ... excitement from all the summer activities, not being used to sitting still for any length of ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the proper way to eat cherries with pits? Cutting them up to remove the pits seems excessive, but just spitting out the pits into a napkin doesn’t seem proper ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I loathe dogs, but I live in a dog-lover’s paradise. How can I let neighbors and strangers know that I don’t want to pet their dog or let it sniff me? “I’m allergic ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I will be hosting a family gathering for our kids and grandkids. On top of having many people to feed, there are my (medically dictated) dietary restrictions to ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My cousin invited me for dinner on a Sunday night and asked me to bring wine and a dessert. When I got there, she said it had been a very busy weekend and she hadn’t had time ...
Dear Miss Manners: We live in a small beach community. Five years ago, we met a lovely couple who have a vacation home across the street. We are all semiretired. They are both gourmet chefs and ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband insists on getting up to start cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes the minute he takes his last bite of dinner. Often, I am still eating. I have frequently ...
Dear Miss Manners: My spouse and I frequently host meals for 10 to 20 guests, both personally and professionally. We have a debate over whether to put out spoons for meals when we are not serving ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I live near a university, and graduate students are always looking for odd jobs to make extra money. One of them does my laundry twice a week, and always returns it beautifully ...