Augusta Regional Airport is preparing to welcome an influx of visitors for the highly anticipated Masters Tournament.
If you're lucky enough to snag a ticket for the Masters golf tournament, don't leave without seeing all Augusta, Georgia has to offer. From great restaurants to beautiful natural areas, here are six ...
The Georgia Foodees Food And Culture Festival is back in Augusta this week, bringing a foodie paradise with everything from ...
Max Amadasun’s mom Edith travelled from Dublin, Ireland to see her son play college basketball for the first time on senior ...
Staying connected while traveling isn’t always as simple as it should be. Hotels, rental properties and airports may offer Wi ...
Do you live in one of the unhappiest cities in the country? We all strive to be our happiest selves, but depending on where ...
Pruitt recommends that everyone keep an eye on the air quality forecasts in their area as well as a few tips on bad air ...
On Oct. 3, 1873, the Columbia, Tenn., Herald and Mail reported "Hoggatt Clopton and Jesse Perkins Clopton, Arkansas planters, ...
Symptoms of climate change, such as extreme weather events and wildfires, can significantly impact air quality, potentially ...
Savannah dentists wrote a letter in January to state representatives questioning the Governor's decision to make Savannah ...
Five years later, the coronavirus pandemic may seem far away and foggy, or as visceral as yesterday. Here are some stories of ...
When the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation stopped supervising extracurricular activities to leverage its negotiations with ...