The sound comes from the popular, adult anime-inspired series The Boondocks. The Adult Swim animated series, which aired between 2005 and 2014, focused on the Black American family, the Freemans, as ...
The decision to move Monday's swearing-in means thousands of people with plans to visit Washington won't be able to see President-elect Donald Trump's second inauguration in person.
Mark Cuban has shown interest in funding a TikTok alternative. This move comes in light of the potential shutdown of TikTok ...
TikTok will be banned in the U.S. starting on Jan. 19, 2025, unless the popular social media platform cuts ties with its China-based parent company, ByteDance, according to a new Supreme Court ruling.
The social media platform is days away from a shutdown — and users are scrambling to find new homes for their content.
The Switch 2 exists. We know that for sure. It’s bigger — seems like we know that too. But what else do we know about the ...
The CEOs of several of the world’s biggest technology companies are planning to attend President-elect Trump’s inauguration ...
High-profile tech billionaires, including Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk will sit front and center at President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.