Ahead of an upcoming dangerous cold snap, Gov. Greg Abbott briefed Texans on the state's preparation and response to the weather. On Monday, Abbott warned Texans to pay attention to the forecast ...
Greg Abbott’s office to end telework policies, according to three emails from agency directors obtained by The Texas Tribune. “Teleworking employees must return to the office on or before ...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott may have given lawmakers opposing school choice a sounding board to rally further support against sending taxpayer dollars to private and parochial schooling.
Greg Abbott said in a weather briefing Monday ahead of an expected arctic blast. The upside, Abbott and the state's top emergency leaders said, is that the Texas power grid is far more durable ...
Greg Abbott; Rep. Brad Buckley, R-Salado, who chairs the House Committee on Public Education; and other House members as part of the governor's statewide parent empowerment tour. Abbott has for ...
Greg Abbott addressed critics of his chief policy goal Wednesday in front of a gathering of grassroots conservatives in Austin. “The future of our state is going to be hinged in a meaningful way ...
Languages: English. Twitter: @JBickertonUK. You can get in touch with James by emailing [email protected] Texas Governor Greg Abbott pledged to implement a private school voucher-style ...
In his push for private school vouchers, Gov. Greg Abbott has repeatedly emphasized he has no intention of harming public schools. But the Texas Republican this week acknowledged that his priority ...
Greg Abbott’s faith in the effort. A spokesman for the Texas Republican, who is a practicing Catholic, responded to the pope with a statement Wednesday saying: “The Bible calls for strong ...
The governor also called on lawmakers to prohibit the practice at all schools. Gov. Abbott speaks to parents during an event hosted by the Parent Empowerment Coalition at Covenant Christian ...