From the column: "I can’t help but feel a spark of hope. ... Imagine a future where cancer isn’t a life sentence but a ...
Aging parents often need help when working with their health care providers. Here’s how you can make that communication more successful.
Our primary medical providers are critical to our personal health, and to the health of our community. When we are ill, or are worried, or want to know how to stay well, we turn to primary care ...
RFK Jr falsely claimed that the measles vaccine is dangerous and cannot provide long-term immunity in a recent interview.
Dr. Rexford Kennamer, born in Marshall County, Ala., was known as "doctor to the stars," treating the likes of Gary Cooper ...
It has been 5 years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many providers to embrace telehealth.In the fall ...
Today’s volatile political environment is creating uncertainty and worry that can disrupt sleep and may even lead to a sleep ...
Low back pain affects an estimated 1 in 4 American adults. In most diagnosed cases, the pain is considered “nonspecific.” meaning it doesn’t have a clear cause. That’s also partly what makes it so ...
On any given night in 2024, more than 771,400 people in the U.S. experienced homelessness, according to federal data. Among ...
A program that provides cash “prescriptions” or payments to new mothers during their pregnancy and the first year of their ...
Medical Students for Choice, a nonprofit formed in 1993 by medical students as a response to the lack of abortion education ...
Dr. Michael B. Hocker, MD, will become executive dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health ...