Girl Scouts of the U.S. say their cookies are safe to eat despite a report that found heavy metals in some cookies. What do ...
Thursday, people were able to give the gift of life and get a sweet treat in return, as Versiti Blood Center in Terre Haute ...
G irl Scout cookie season is here - if you drive around your neighborhood, you'll likely spot groups of kids in uniforms, ...
The annual excitement over Girl Scout Cookie season took an unexpected turn this year when a viral report alleged that the ...
A New York woman has filed a class action accusing the iconic Girl Scout cookies of have dangerous levels of heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury and pesticide residue.
Two groups focused on food safety and environmental toxins have sued Girl Scouts of America, claiming that their perennially ...
Susan Collins (R-ME), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)—co-chairs of the Girl Scouts’ Honorary Troop Capitol Hill—introduced a bipartisan resolution to recognize the 113th birthday ...
A new lawsuit against Girl Scouts claims its cookies are contaminated with heavy metals and pesticides, an allegation the Georgia-founded organization denies.
As Girl Scout Cookie season is in full swing, a newly filed lawsuit is raising concerns about what’s inside the beloved ...
The Girl Scouts of the USA denied those claims last month saying that heavy metals occur naturally in soil and that ...
Ellen Tyler is a Girl Scout with Troop 75999. She helped create pet toys for animals in the Humane Society of Genesee County and created an anti-bullying campaign.
Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting can be the magic thread which links the girls of the world together.” Juliette Gordon Low, ...