First discovered: 3:14 p.m. Feb. 28 A new wildfire was reported today at 3:14 p.m. in San Diego County. Scout Fire has been ...
A new wildfire was reported today at 11:20 a.m. in San Diego County. Margarita Fire has been burning on private land. At this ...
Ground and air crews made quick work Friday of a brush fire that blackened almost 40 acres of grassy meadows east of Lake ...
Santa Ana winds are returning to San Diego County Wednesday evening, surging temperatures and prompting a wind advisory for ...
The San Diego City Council unanimously voted on Tuesday to advance an initiative to begin undergrounding power lines in a ...
San Diego Fire-Rescue crews are responding to reports of a fire at a building in the Midway District Friday morning.
The footage, recorded just after 8 p.m., allegedly shows Rebecca Marodi running in front of the camera, chased by Yolanda ...
San Diego is projected to reach a deficit of $6.5 billion in infrastructure spending over the next five years, the city's ...
Even if money for jobs and contracts were restored, would anyone return after having the rug pulled from under them?