Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) is threatening to block the conclusions of the European Union (EU), thus further isolating Slovakia, he behaves as if he's being instructed by Russian President ...
Almost all the gas that Ukraine buys on the EU market is of Russian origin, said Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) on Monday ahead of Thursday's (March 6) EU summit in Brussels, adding that Slovakia will ...
Former Slovak politician and ex-chairman of national heritage institution Matica Slovenska died on Monday at the age of 80, TASR has been told by his daughter MP Zora Jaurova. "It is with deep sorrow ...
I refuse to support the war in Ukraine and so I don't agree with military or financial support for that country, said Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) on Monday in the context of the planned ...
The Donor Investigation Team, which since November of last year has been investigating suspicions of wrongdoing in connection with the donation of Slovak military equipment to Ukraine in the previous ...
Some MPs from the coalition parties tried to influence police officers at the parliamentary committee on defence and security session in connection with the investigation into the donation of military ...
The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party is calling on President Peter Pellegrini not to appoint Independent MP Rudolf Huliak as Tourism and Sport Minister, arguing that it would be an ...
The government bonds for the public are being sold at an interest rate unfavourable to the state, and if the government were serious about consolidati ...
MP Rudolf Huliak (Independent), nominated by Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) for the post of Tourism and Sport Minister, presented his vision for the ministry to President Peter Pellegrini on Monday, ...
Slovakia began selling bonds to the public on Monday, and they will available for purchase throughout March, with Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenicky (Smer-SD) buying the first bonds in the morning at ...
Vyjadrenie: Splnomocnenkyňa vlády SR pre rozvoj občianskej spoločnosti Simona Zacharová navštívi Budapešť Bratislava 3. marca (TASR) - Splnomocnenkyňa vlády SR pre rozvoj občianskej spoločnosti Simo ...
Bratislava 3. marca (TASR) - V Bratislave pri železničnom priecestí Vrakunská cesta-Ivánska cesta došlo v pondelok po 18.00 h k zrážke vlaku s ručným vozíkom. Tvoria sa tam preto kolóny. Bratislavská ...