South Carolina is preparing this week to execute a man by firing squad, a capital punishment method that hasn’t been used in ...
The children and grandchildren of David and Gladys Larke will be in Columbia to witness the execution of the man who beat the ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A South Carolina man who is scheduled to die next week by firing squad is again asking that his execution be postponed and prison officials release more information about the ...
South Carolina is set to execute a man by firing squad, a method unused in the US for nearly 15 years. The article reviews ...
South Carolina plans to execute a man by firing squad, a method not used in the U.S. for 15 years. Since 1976, lethal ...
Brad Sigmon, 67, has opted not to die by electrocution or lethal injection in his planned March 7 execution. The last firing ...
South Carolina is scheduled next week to be the first state in 15 years and only the third in 49 to carry out an execution by ...
Brad Sigmon, 67, is on death row for the 2001 beating death with a baseball bat of his former girlfriend’s parents in Greenville County. He confessed that he was trying to kidnap his girlfriend and ...