An enormous sinkhole, which appeared in Godstone High Street, Surrey, just outside a branch of IMBG merchant Fairalls ...
Sital Punja, Labour councillor for Yiewsley, told the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) that she was 'disappointed' in ...
Context counts: In an item in Home news in brief, we referred to “a fortysomething man who died after falling from a height ...
A huge sinkhole which swallowed part of a Surrey high street may have been caused by a collapsed mine, according to one ...
Residents in an upmarket English village are facing a potential year-long wait for repairs after a massive sinkhole swallowed parts of their street. Thirty properties were evacuated on February 17 ...
International Pride Orchestra says Pride concert will be held in Bethesda following disinvitation from Kennedy Center ...
Garage owner Shane Fry told BBC Radio Surrey disruption over that time "could crucify a business". He said: "Trying to work ...
A massive sinkhole that swallowed parts of a street in a Surrey town could take a year to fix, a public meeting has been told ...
The sinkhole appeared in Godstone High Street, Surrey, last Monday night, with SES Water later announcing one of its water main pipes had burst underneath the road.
Residents in Surrey face a year-long wait for repairs after a massive sinkhole swallowed sections of High Street. The ...
A GIANT sinkhole is threatening to eat up Sarah Lewis’s family home in Godstone, Surrey. It’s a surreal situation, to say the ...