The legislation sparked concerns during committee over the rights of tenants and landlords and safeguards for both parties.
The impact of the 2022 reforms has extended beyond Florida’s insurers. Reinsurers — the global companies that provide ...
Originally launched for veterans and service members in Wisconsin, Rogers Behavioral Health’s Fire Watch program has expanded ...
DeSantis and Uthmeier have not responded to recent provocations from Andrew Tate or his brother Tristan. DeSantis said last ...
Florida prisoners who take career and technical courses while incarcerated will have an easier time getting licensed upon ...
The Tampa Bay Rays will not meet the upcoming deadline to move forward with a stadium deal, the team announced Thursday ...
Capital felonies that occur during religious events and school activities could be considered as aggravating factors during a ...
The U.S. Agriculture Department is ending two pandemic-era programs that provided more than $1 billion for schools and food ...
Gov. Ron DeSantis boosted the concept in 2023 to hold national media outlets accountable. Still, Andrade’s bill drew the ire ...
The stable picture regarding new unemployment filings in the state reflects the general unemployment rate, which has held ...
Sen. Joe Gruters’ bill ( SB 1058 ), the companion to Porras’ proposal, floated through the Senate Governmental Oversight and ...
Central Florida homeless advocates say a new law is making it harder to understand the gravity of the homeless situation ...