Buster Whaley has been elected as TCDSU Education Officer with 1,549 votes. He defeated Conchúr Ó Cathasaigh, who received ...
The TCDSU President election race first count is through with RON in first place with 1,187 votes constituting 38% of the ...
Seán Thim O’Leary has been elected as TCDSU President with 1,597 votes, constituting 51.28% of the total final vote.
This afternoon Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) President Jenny Maguire and a second union member spraypainted ...
Charles Hastings has been elected Editor of The University Times on the [1st] count, defeating Sajal Singh with 52.19% per ...
Deirdre Leahy has been elected as TCDSU Welfare Officer with 1,372 votes on the third count. In her speech she stated: “I ...
Corporate America’s values have been imported to Ireland along with its offices. Hustle culture now has a palpable presence ...
Orla Norton has been elected Ents Officer on the third count, having received 1,602 votes. In her election speech, Norton ...
The Trinity College Dublin Student Union is at its most consequential crossroads – with two dueling views on the role of ...
The newly created JCR Café began its opening night shortly before 7 on the 27th of February with a long line forming straight ...
Backtracking to 2016, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos publicly shared his concern for our democracy in Trump’s hands while ...
We need to insist on our ability to manage our own sex lives and wrestle our basic right to privacy free from well-meaning ...